[1]Zhao Pei, Jiaqing Zhang, Wenwen Zhang, Miao Wang, Jianing Wang and Yee-Hong Yang. "Autofocusing for Synthetic Aperture Imaging Based on Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, doi:10.1109, 2023.
[2]Jiaqing Zhang, Zhao Pei, Min Jin, Wenwen Zhang and Jun Li. "Synthetic aperture imaging using multi-view super-resolution," Journal of Electronic Imaging, 32(3):033007, 2023.
[3]Cuiliu Yang and Zhao Pei. "Long-Short Term Spatio-Temporal Aggregation for Trajectory Prediction," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(4):4114, 2023.
[5]Yameng Hong, Chengcai Leng, Xinyue Zhang, Zhao Pei, Irene Cheng, and Anup Basu. "HOLBP: Remote sensing image registration based on histogram of oriented local binary pattern descriptor." Remote Sensing, 13(12):2328,2021.
[6]Zhao Pei, Yuanshuai Gou, Miao Ma, Min Guo, Chengcai
Leng, Yuli Chen, and Jun Li. "Alzheimer's disease diagnosis based on long-range dependency mechanism using convolutional neural network. Multimedia Tools and Ap-plications," pages 1–16, 2021.
[7]Zhao Pei, Min Jin, Yanning Zhang, Miao Ma, and Yee-Hong Yang. "All-in-focus synthetic aperture imaging using generative adversarial network-based semantic in painting." Pattern Recognition, 111:107669, 2021
[8]Xinyue Zhang, Chengcai Leng, Yameng Hong, Zhao Pei, Irene Cheng, and Anup Basu. "Multimodal remote sensing image registration methods and advancements: A survey." Remote Sensing, 13(24):5128, 2021
[9]Haipeng Zhang, Chengcai Leng, Xiao Yan, Guorong Cai, Zhao Pei, Naigong Yu, and Anup Basu. "Remote sensing image registration based on local affine constraint with circle descriptor." IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 19:1–5, 2020.
[10]Qiongshuai Lyu, Min Guo, Zhao Pei, "DeGAN:Mixed noise removal via generative adversarial networks," Applied Soft Computing,Volume 95, October 2020, (IF=5.472)
[11]Zhao Pei, Deqiang Wen, Yanning Zhang, Miao Ma, Min Guo,Xiuwei Zhang and Yee-Hong Yang,
“MDEAN: Multi-View Disparity Estimation with an Asymmetric Network,”
Electronics, Vol.9, No.6, 2020.
[12] Zhao Pei, Xiaoning Qi, Yanning Zhang, Miao Ma and Yee-Hong Yang,
“Human trajectory prediction in crowded scene using social-affinity Long Short-Term Memory,”
Pattern Recognition (PR), Vol.93, pp.273-282, 2019.
[13]Zhao Pei, Li Huang, Yanning Zhang, Miao Ma, Yali Peng and Yeehong Yang,
“Focus Measure for Synthetic Aperture Imaging
Using a Deep Convolutional Network,”
IEEE Access, Vol.7, No.12, pp2169-3536, 2019.
[14] Zhao Pei, Yawen Li, Miao Ma, Jun Li, Chengcai Leng, Xiaoqiang Zhang and Yanning Zhang,
“Occluded-Object 3D Reconstruction Using Camera Array Synthetic Aperture Imaging,”
Sensors, Vol.19, No.3, 2019.
[15] Yuqian Kuang, Min Guo, Yali Peng and Zhao Pei,
“Learner posture recognition via a fusing model based on improved SILTP and LDP 2019,”
Multimedia Tools and Applications, pp.1-14, 2019.
[16] Zhao Pei, Hang Xu, Yanning Zhang, Min Guo and Yee-Hong Yang,
“Face Recognition via Deep Learning Using Data Augmentation Based on Orthogonal Experiments,”
Electronics, Vol.8, No.10, 2019.(IF=2.412)
[17] Zhao Pei, Xida Chen and Yee-Hong Yang,
“All-in-focus Synthetic Aperture Imaging Using Image Matting,”
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems For Video Technology(TCSVT),Vol.28, No.2, pp288-301, 2018.
[18] Zhao Pei, Miaomiao Pan, Kang Liao, Miao Ma and Chengcai Leng,
“Predict Student’s Seating Distribution Based on Social Affinity,”
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Multimedia, Toulon, France. Aug. 2018.
[19]Jingcheng Ke, Yali Peng, Shigang Liu, Jun Li and Zhao Pei,
“Face recognition based on symmetrical virtual
image and original training image,” Journal of Modern Optics, Vol.65, No.4, pp367-380, 2018.
[20]Chengcai Leng, Hai Zhang, Bo Li, Guorong Cai, Zhao Pei and Li He,
“Local feature descriptor for image matching: A Survey,”IEEE Access, Vol.7, pp6424-6434, 2018.
[21] Zhao Pei, Haixing Shang, Yi Su, Miao Ma and Yali Peng, “Convolutional Neural Networks
for Class Attendance,” In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy System and Knowledge
Discovery(FSKD 17), Guilin, China. July 2017.
[22] Zhao Pei, Yanning Zhang, Xida Chen and Yee-Hong Yang,
“Synthetic Aperture Imaging Using Pixel
Labeling via Energy Minimization,”
Pattern Recognition (PR), Vol.46, No.1, pp.174-187, Jan. 2013.
[23] Zhao Pei, Yanning Zhang, Tao Yang, Xiuwei Zhang and Yee-Hong Yang,
“A Novel Multi-Object Detection Method in Complex Scene Using Synthetic
Aperture Imaging,”
Pattern Recognition (PR), Vol.45, No.4, pp.1637–1658, Apr. 2012.
[24] Zhao Pei, Yanning Zhang, Tao Yang, and Xida Chen, “A Novel Method for Detecting
Occluded Object by Multiple Camera Arrays,” In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and
Knowledge Discovery(FSKD 12), pp.1692–1696, Chongqing, China, May 2012.
[25] Zhao Pei, Yanning Zhang, Tao Yang, and Xida Chen,
“Synthetic Aperture Image Quality Assessment Based on Camera Array: Measures and Their Performance,”
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery(FSKD 12), pp.1981–1985, Chongqing, China, May 2012.
[26] Zhao Pei, Yanning Zhang, Zenggang Lin, Heng Zhou and Hui Wang,
“A Method of Image Processing Algorithm Evaluation Based on Orthogonal Experimental Design,”
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Image and Graphics(ICIG 09), pp.629–633, Xian, China, Sept. 2009.